What is a Gel Blaster??? Are they Legal???
There are so many questions that come up when it comes to Gel Blasters and how they fit into the legal frameworks in Australia.
I am going to try to explain some of the facts that I know from the Past year of fighting with Customs, the Attorney Generals Department and also the Queensland police.
The first thing I will say is that the general police officer on the street will deem a gel blaster as being an illegal Firearm. From state to state this will vary in severity and from officer to officer, they will either be ok with them but still unsure, or they will freak out.
What is pretty consistent across the board is that in general, the police do not really know if a Gel Blaster is legal or not and this varies from state to state as well.
I sincerely do not believe this is the fault of the police or that the police are ignorant or anything like that. What I do believe is that the firearms laws in Australia are so convoluted and broad, that there is no body who really knows what the law is on certain items on any given day.
This is the reason that law abiding firearms owners are always complaining about the laws. It is not necessarily that semi Autos have been all but taken away. It is the fact that anytime you breathe the word firearm, someone comes out with a new useless law or someone is accused of trying to undermine John Howards gun laws.
The fact is, there are several pieces of legislation that govern what a gel blaster is according to the law. One of them is the customs (prohibited) import regulations and the others are each state and territories firearms act. So we are looking at 9 different pieces of legislation and 9 different definitions of firearm and 9 different interpretations of the way a product appears. There is also 9 different ways that replicas are treated under all of these acts.
I am no expert on the laws of each state or territory; however, I am fairly well versed with the Customs Import regulations and the QLD firearms Act.
The Customs import regs is clear, a fire arm is a device that discharges Shot, Bullet or other projectiles. Most people would think that the word öther" can mean anything. However, the courts disagreed with this and ruled that other must mean something similar to Shot or Bullet. (You can read my previous post for more details on this). Of course gel balls are not ammunition and therefor a blaster is not a firearm.
Customs are now saying that a gel ball gun is an imitation firearm. They are not negotiable on this and they require an import permit to release the goods into the custody of any citizen of any state. This is the Law and they are correct.
QLD police is a less difficult one. A firearm must be able to cause Death or injury according to the QLD firearms act. As a gel ball is unable to cause injury it is deemed as a toy and therefor is legal in the state of QLD. There is literally no more to it than that. .
I would argue that Airsoft does not meet the definition of a firearm in the state of QLD simply because it is unable to Cause injury! Before you start disagreeing with me on this point think about the precedent set in our case vs Customs. Other cannot just mean anything, just as the word "injury" cannot mean just anything. It is called the ejusdem generis rule.
From state to state you will find that the definitions differ. I would love to hear from anyone who has any further information regarding each states legislation and how they think Gel blasters would be categorised.
I am definitely sure that in WA, Gel blasters are definitely not classed as a firearm as their definition is almost identical to the customs definition. The replica issue I really don't have a clue about.
At the end of the day, gel blasters are Legal in QLD and you need a permit to get them through at the border. If the police catch you with one in your car in QLD they may try to ping you, but you will not be charged with an offence for possession of these products.
I am going to try to get a State by state post up on this blog as I get more information on each of the definitions. Brad from Armoured heaven is getting close to testing the NSW laws so that one will be worth keeping an eye on.
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook. Next week I will do an article on airsoft and the differences between them and gel ball. I will also talk about how I believe we can make a huge step into legalising Airsoft.
Thanks for reading,
Tactical Edge Hobbies
Meg, you will also need to read the Prohibited Weapons Act, point 30. “Imitations Firearms”. It is the only point that carries not a description. So that is complete unhelpful but it is one angle the NT DPP will prosecute the Durack case.
Craig on
To answer Meng’s question concerning the legal status in the Nothern Territory.
Read the Firearms Act NT and the Controlled Weapons Act NT. If we use Preliminaries a,b,c in the Firearms Act it would appear that gel blaster is not a firearm, contrary to a NT Police Media Release post Palmerston incident. If you know how a regular gel blaster works – watch Low Guido’s Chop Shop YT channel, and it is clear that gel blaster do not fit into ‘firearms’ a,b,c
Preliminary matters
means a device or part of a device (whether or not
assembled, operable or temporarily or permanently inoperable) that
is designed or adapted to discharge shot, a bullet or other
by expanding gases produced in the device;
by igniting combustible material; or
by compressed air or other compressed gases (whether
stored in the device or attached to the device in pressurised
That would bring us the Controlled Weapons Act as well as the possibility of gel blasters being a replica or imitation (which has different meanings compared to SA) but what actually defines a replica in the NT Act is vague. But, anyone would be an idiot to have these in the front yard or local park. A big no no, even in Qld or SA.
It would be also helpful for you to get a copy of the Department of Home Affairs Notice No 2017/43 which also states that gel ball is harmless.
You can email firearmsregistry@pfes.nt.gov.au and weaponsregistry@pfes.nt.gov.au asking them the legal status of gel blaster in the NT citing that gel blasters do not fulfill Preliminary matters a,b or c. I have drafted such an e-mail. But read both Acts first and really do your homework.
If you do e-mail them and they respond, please forward to my email cmp1969@gmail.com
Craig on
Hi there!
Resident in the Northern Territory, and wondering if they’re good around here?
Meng-fu Tsai on
To all the people not in QLD asking about shipping, The rifles come in about 15 pieces and are usually mostly plastic, some are nylon. It’s interstate shipping which is hardly screened compared to international and it would not look like a rifle on xray,if it was screened due to its material and the amount of pieces its in, I have imported several to NSW without a problem. As far as the replica problem yes a lot look like the real deal with no orange on them at all which is used to indicate a toy gun, some are covered in orange to make it obvious and some are clear which also makes it look much more like a toy. This doesn’t mean the quality is worse the manufactures simply recognise in order to avoid the replica laws they would release some that didn’t look 100% realistic however the orange plastic or clear ones can still be modded to change them to appear as a replica. If you have a gel blaster that is a replica don’t show it on social media or in public, when transporting take it apart into a few pieces so you don’t have what looks like an assault rifle in your car and assemble it when your ready to use it. Use common sense and you will be fine. Happy blasting all!
Gel Ball Pro on
Are they illegal in Nsw?
Henry Dorleans on
Are all the products allowed in NSW
Zachary on
Beware fake AU sellers. they say aus stock and 1 week delivery, then ship from china, mongrels.
still waiting after 6 weeks.
I definitely recommend tactical edge, real aussies.
david glen foord on
Form a posse , fly to Canberra then storm parliament fully loaded to the eye balls and launch a gel assault lol. Imagine their faces ? Diving behind wotever / whoever for cover. Then when it all settled and they realised , free red faces all round lol. Dreams r free.
Travis Bowman on
What about Victoria
Paul on
what about nsw australia sucks what are they gonna do next ban nerf guns
the truth sucks on
What permit do I need to get them from customs and where do I apply or get one.
Gabriel on
I’m very interested in the gel guns but I don’t know if they are legal in W.A. or if they would pass through Customs
etc. are you able to tell me if I can legally get them in to W.A please.
Adrian Ryder on