Contact us
If you need to get in contact with us for any reason you can call us, email us, visit us in store or use the contact us form below.
You can contact us for support via the following channels
You can get in touch with us via email using the form on this page. Please leave as much information as possible so we can get back to you as quickly as we can.
You can visit our store in Yatala. Check out our up to date hours using google.
If you have an online enquiry, we advise that you use the contact us form as the store does not process online orders and may not be able to assist you with your inquiry.
Click Here for Tactical Edge Store Locations
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
Saturday to Sunday: closed
Public Holidays: Closed
If you have an enquiry about anything gel blaster related, drop us a line:
Yatala 07 3382 7395
Tech Phone 0488 001 365
Gelsoft call 0456 722 777
Please wait between 1-3 business days for a reply.