WA Gel Blaster Laws - Tactical Edge Hobbies

WA Gel Blaster Laws

We have a situation that directly affects the rights and interests of gel blaster enthusiasts in particular our Western Australia friends.

 The Gel Blaster Association of Australia (GBAA) recently achieved a significant victory in the magistrates' court regarding the legality of gel blasters. Our efforts have resulted in a favorable decision, highlighting the safety and responsible use of gel blasters under proper regulations.

 However, this triumph is now facing a challenge. The Police have chosen to appeal the court's decision. This means that despite our successful efforts, the legality of gel blasters in WA hangs in the balance once again.

 If we win this appeal, it would mean that gel blasters could be considered legal again in Western Australia. But there's a catch: We anticipate that the government might use this opportunity to amend the existing laws around gel blasters.

 It's essential to emphasize that this issue goes beyond the realm of hobbies. Many individuals across WA are facing charges of "possession of a prohibited weapon," and the outcome of our court case could significantly impact their legal standing.

 We encourage you to reflect upon the implications of these developments. It is concerning that the government might consider altering laws to suit its own agenda, even in the face of a fair legal decision. Gel blasters, as evidenced by the successful model in Queensland, have shown that they can be enjoyed safely without posing a threat to public safety.

 Now, more than ever, we need your support. We have launched a GoFundMe campaign to gather the necessary funds to continue our legal battle and ensure that the rights of gel blaster enthusiasts are upheld. Every contribution matters, and your support will enable us to defend not only the rights of gel blaster owners but also the principles of fairness and responsible recreational activities. 

Please visit our GoFundMe page https://www.gofundme.com/f/make-gel-blasters-legal-in-western-australia?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet and consider making a donation. Spread the word among your friends, family, and fellow community members. Let's come together to safeguard our rights and prevent any unjust changes to the law.

 The more united and informed we are, the louder our voices are heard. Stay tuned for updates on our website and social media channels.


  • As one who has been charged and convicted of this bs, I was allowed to keep all ammunition for those weapons ( Gel blasters ), when hydrated, they Technoloy become live rounds. Plus they refused to check a .303 caliber rifle (Deactivated) on display, as they said they had no jurisdiction on it. Yet they took two denix handgun replicas but returned them days later. Everything they confiscated were legally bought including several blades. Their search of my home were based on unfounded lies. How can one have faith in the WAPOL and judicial system based on hearsay .

    Robert roatch on

  • Why the fuck does the government of WA Have to be dickheads about gel ball guns like recently I wanted to buy one of tactics but than I heard than you can own them in Perth since 2021 it just real shit what the WA police are trying to do

    will. Robinson on

  • W.A is behind you Peter an we thank you so much for fighting the good fight, never give up, We will Win in the end. As for gathering more support for the fight a head SWGB has observed a desperate need by the community of up dates an info of what has and is happening. Every scrap of info keeps the talking an hopes alive for all of us. Thanks Peter

    Southwest Gel Blasters on

  • Well done Peter Clark The Gelblaster Association of Australia and all involved in keeping up the fight.

    AzzaNorthill on

  • Gofund me link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/make-gel-blasters-legal-in-western-australia?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet

    Tactical Edge on

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